Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2 amigos do the salute

Got up yesterday running about 20 minutes behind. The guys on CP shift were to wake us a 0600 but failed to do so. Needless to say we were running around getting our kit prepped for the days task. It didn't stop us from sitting around the fire warming up. We burn pallets that come on our resupplies as the local wood here seems to store water from March, being that it was the last time it rained here. Well, we didn't fell like sledgehammering the pallets so we threw the whole thing on top of our make shift fire pit. The insides of the pallet burned away quickly and we were left with the supports of the pallet burning away on the outside of the pit. What do we do? Well, we stand the thing upright. Its burning that way for a few minutes and then it falls right into Leblancs lap. Well, he looked like someone who encounters another person in the mall lets say, and they both are averting eachother in the same direction simultaneously. The things on fire and in his face so he pushes back and flies out of his chair backwards. It all happened pretty quick and we laughed our asses off.
Then it was on to the task. We had to clear a route of any IED threats, 1.5km one way and then back. Well, we started on the outside of the route and it was 1.5km of grape rows after grape rows. A team on each side and walls in some places 8ft high acting as a boundary between each team. The whole road was walled which led to one team getting further ahead than the other. It was slow going, and tiresome. We found about 600m in a combat indicator (can't explain) and another one on our side. The two lined up perfectly on either side of the road. Well, we marked it and carried on. We got to the end of the route with no finds. We were being watched up until a click away. We finally got to the end which was 3 intersecting roads with a small service station on the corner. He was happy to tell us that the Taliban had been hiding IEDs around his store and he kept cutting the wires coming off htem. Well, we took about half hour there so we vcould speak with some of the locals. Then it was time to head back. This time on the road. It was gruelling and long. Myself and Blencowe had rear security and after a short bit a small traffic jam was forming in behind our clearance patrol. They wanted to pass, but no go there. We told them they had to wait til we were done. So we're singing old tracks substituting lyrics for Taliban and IED lyrics. Kickin our legs out bringing the old air guitar out from time to time. Doin the 3 amigos salute as well. Pretty solid security detail I reckon. The locals probably thought we were whacked. Anyway, we get to the site where we marked earlier, and sure enough theres 5 holes in the ground about 20m apart with little holes leading off them into the walls. It looks like Timmy Taliban had dug the bombs outta the road prior to us getting there. Good timing for us. So the patrol went well, we all got back safe, and after walking 3km in 7 hours we were pretty much done for the day.
Well, gonna go win some cash off the Delta boys. Its poker night and these guys are Dead Money.... hahaha....

1 comment:

  1. Every morning I check for updates on your blog! You bring the soldier's life in Afghanistan into my kitchen. You bring your heart (Chandra) into my heart. You bring the life of your buddies and all your crazy antics into my life and bring me laughter. You bring the Afghan people into my sheltered Canadian life.
    thank you for caring for the people there and all of us at home.

    He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust him.
    For He will rescue J... from every trap and protect him from deadly disease.
    He will cover J.... with his feathers. He will shelter him with his wings.
    His faithful promises, J..... are your armor and
    protection. Ps 91

    Someone's Mom
