Wednesday, February 24, 2010

model Canadian

I am officially back on friendly soil and have never been happier. The woman I love and adore has said yes to my proposal and I have to admit the deed itself could have not gone any less gracious. At the end of the day I guess it didn't matter how it got popped, however I think Chandra thought I was ready to start VPSing (vulnerable point search) the QE2. hahaha......
Anyway, transitioned well through Canadas "secrety military" base somewhere in the sand, spent a day and a half relaxing and doing a little engagement ring shopping. I found what I was looking for and much, much more. I ended up buying a little more than anticipated but did not for a second experience buyers remorse. If you're reading this Mom, I got you something! but you're gonna have to wait til your little road trip to see me. Okay, so i bought all of these things and then the paranoia set in. I will not get into details on my customs endeavours, however nothing got seized and at the end of the day I did the right Canadian thing, which is *** &* #$@ *&&.
I find myself reciprocating thoughts I had of Chandra and home to the guys still out in the shit. I reckon I found myself last night at about 0330 wide awake and eating some delicious meat pie thinking about the boys coming back from patrol. I know ole Hawk is now back with the guys. I ran into him in KAF and discussed how things were going. He was very eager to get back out. I can't say I don't blame him. Dorner and Maddin are still on vacation, but I reckon Maddin will be returning shortly.
Prior to leaving the guys had their hands full of IEDs. Rediger, the day I left, found himself dealing with a daisy chain of DFCs just north of our position. It's assumed that they were dug in months ago, while the french were still patrolling that section of terrain. Then, minutes before my ride came, they had found yet another one right in front of our platoon house. Again, placed months ago and just missed. I can't imagine what they've found since I've been gone..... Stink... if you're reading htis tell the guys hey and be safe........ Vando...out


  1. Happy to hear you're back and safe!! Happy also to hear you are half way to the ball and chain regime we call marriage ;) Big hugs to both of you & Congratulations too little brother!!! Have an amazing break & we'll catch up one of these days I'm sure!!

    Lots of love from us of us!

  2. Glad you are back on friendly soil!!
    As for Marriage....that is a sacred tradition we all love and cherish...oh wait...that is hockey...umm yeah, marriage...hmmm haven't quite figured that one out yet! Congrats bro and I am so happy you are back!
    Team Prego less the Preg...hopefully she doesn't read this! hahah

  3. Joel:

    We are delighted that you took the opportunity to propose to Chandra. It helps, I suppose, that engagement rings are bigger and less expensive in the Dubai area . But I suspect you'd have bought the best regardless of the cost. Good on ya' !
    As the word of the bible writer of Ecclesiastes so aptly said "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.." This include choosing a life partner and proposing marriage.

    Congratulations. Our prayers are for you both.

    Bill and Deb

  4. Joel, GREAT NEWS that you are on friendly soil and that you getting hitched. All kidding aside it is one of the best things you can do - share your life with someone else ...... really, I mean it ..... really..... (see Carol, I told hm it was a good thing)

    Seriouly though it really is a great thing and we could not be happier for both of you.


    Bill v

  5. Joel It's wonderful to have u home safe and in the company of this wonderful girl who is going to bring such joy and happiness to your lives. congratulations I'm sure you will do your outmost to enjoy every moment being home and being with Chandra. We wish you all the bliss and all the best. You truly deserve a wonderful leave . Your never far from our thoughts and prayers.Enjoy Cheers
