Riley took his revenge out on me the night before last. You see, I attacked him when he was on his cot, and made himself punch his own face a few times. He was being a smart ass and was beggin for a beat down. Well, he got it, and 2 nights ago he exacted his revenge. He waited until I zipped up my bugnet and crawled into my sac. I watched him wat ch me and thought nothing of it until he came walkin over all bare foot and shit. Looked like a neolith stalking a partridge or some shit. Well, the fists came flying. I managed to unzip and get a fist out. |Got a shot in on his chin, and then he got on top... He grabbed my hand as I kneed him in the head... gave him a head butt, and then he made me punch my own face with my left.... after tha we made a rule... no more fighting in the room cause it stirs up too much dust.
Just got off shift from 0200-0600 on the tower OP. froze my arse off.. nothing but wild dogs running around trying to scrounge some grub i guess... Dorner shot a paraflare, but the damn things chute didnt open. It ended up in someones compound and burnt on the ground for a few minutes.. We thought for sure it would light the place up. On our earlier shift we got wind the enemy was watching us. Dorner starts waving away..... kid cracks me up. On a more serious note.. the other section within the troop has stolen our flag. We thought it was the dragoons(armoured guys) and we were ready to knuckle up for real as soon as they came back. Then Dorner sees on facebook the Delta guys have a picture with someone in a burka holding a weapon in front of our flag with a ransom note demanding 2 cartons of smokes, a 26 and a flat of beer........Thankfully we didnt start beating on Dragoons before we seen the pics..We'd all of ended up in the KAF jail cells........ nervous laugh...anyway, need sleep.....thats it for now
great to read about what you are up to. Keep up the good work and be careful Love you lots.