Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Quotes from the section

Leblanc-Bergeron says "holee fuck, I think I just stepped on a mine"

Dorner says "don't worry guys its nothin" as he sticks his bayonet into the ground....

Schneider (Inf) says to Rediger " they called me Rediger in highschool, why do they call you Rediger"

Still in the heart of darkness, and we've managed to set out some sort of work schedule....The mid days heat is still baking us as we walk with our loads through the area. Took a look aat a few compounds yesterday, and found a bag of what appeared to be black powder. Was out with Spr Maddin and I told him to burn a bit of it to see...... He piles out a couple of grams of the stuff and I tell him to take "a little off" I don';t think he heard me cause he was ready to strike the match... I told him again to take some off, he does, and I tell him to take off a bit more... He then strikes the match, and yep, sure enough its black powder.. I'm sure he can attribute his facial hair to my telling him to take some off... Anyway, other than that, just another routine patrol. Dorner is not liking the heavy loads on his back, and I gotta laugh everytime he comes back from a patrol, the other day he was saying he was taking water from his camelbak and spiytting it out just to lighten the load.... Blencowe is pure filth... I wake up this morning, he approaches wher Im sitting with his hand over his mouth... He pulls it away and the guys got a goatee shaved into his facial hair....and chops the size of Elvis'. Needless to say, it was shaved off not too long after. Think about Marshall a lot.. I think everyone does.... hopefully hes our guardian angel up there....
Don't hear much from the other section.... Fortin seemed to be doin alright the last time I talked to him... I look at the pics I took with me every night, really glad I brought them along.... Today is a little break for me.... spend time around the patrol base....back at it again tomoorrow......

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